Sustainability has become an increasingly discussed topic in recent years. In the early days, it was concept that was generally known with its environmental dimensions and was seen as the duty of the public sector. In the current situation, individuals as citizens and consumers; the business world, which has economic, social and environmental impacts, as well as being affected by global and local problems in these areas; human rights, environment, nature, animal rights have become the primary areas of interest of non-governmental organizations that have become stronger owing to the increasing demand in order to rights and struggle. Exclusively in the last few years, we have seen that this interest has expanded the areas of responsibility in terms of sustainability and assigned important duties to each of the industry players.

The importance and necessity of the work carried out for a sustainable future is gaining more crucial and seriousness with each passing day. On the other hand, businesses are at a decisive and critical milestone point to take action on sustainability. The determination to be shown in the path to be followed is important for long-term business models to gain flexibility and the opportunity for sustainable competitive advantage.

The role of businesses in society is evolving day by day. Investors, customers, employees, policy makers and society as a whole demand proof that a company does more than do business sustainably and implement ethical business activities. However, stakeholders expect companies to both have a purpose and contribute in line with that purpose. Failure to transforming of business models, staying on a superficial level of sustainability and corporate social responsibility efforts prevent the opportunity to capture the true value of total social impact.

In this scope, as PMO Partners, we provide consultancy services with out competent staff in the fields of sustainability, climate, energy transition and environmental, social and governance (ESG) from the top unit to the lowest unit  of the companies. Together with our vision that protects our planet and contributes to the development of sustainability, we work with the companies to lead the wave of innovation and economic growth. In achieving all this, we are powered by our thought leadership, innovative tools and solutions, industry associations focused on net zero innovation, and a vibrant ecosystem of knowledge platforms.

Our Services within the Scope of the Sustainability

1. Integrated Reporting Consultancy

Integrated reporting, which will be prepared specifically for the requirements and fields of activity of the companies, ensured that the reporting expectations of external stakeholders are met comprehensively with the capital elements approach. However, it also supports increasing efficiency of the internal decision-making process.

Scope of Service

  • Integrated activity reporting maturity assessment
  • Development and implementation of integrated activity reporting strategy
  • Development and integrated activity report content

2. Sustainability Reporting Consultancy

By determining the most appropriate reporting standards in line with the priorities and strategies of the companies, it is ensured that the environmental, social and governance performance and impact dimensions are reported in the most accurate scope.

Scope of Service

  • Preparation of greenhouse gas emission inventory
  • Development and implementation of integrated activity reporting strategy
  • Development and integrated activity report content

Advantages of Sustainability Reporting

  • Opportunity for investors, stakeholders and decision makers to see company value more clearly
  • Observation and improvement of risk analysis and risk methods
  • Acquisition of investor interest
  • Increased company contact
  • Increasing brand perception and reliability
  • Increasing sectoral competitive advantage
  • Establishing the economic growth strategy on solid foundations of the company
  • Possibility of effective risk management and attainability of long-term economic targets
  • Gaining foresight about the long-term targets in company strategies
  • Contributing to employee loyalty, trust, motivation and performance
  • Opportunity to benefit from government support and incentives
  • Raising awareness and taking early action for necessary precautions against legal requirements and possible sanction situation

3. Circular Economy and Sustainable Supply Chain

While increasing energy and raw material prices, limited resources and changes in customer expectations are priorities, recent events make the transformation in production and consumption models inevitable in order to ensure the continuity of businesses. The effective management of the supply chain, which is one of the main components of the impact created by companies, is of critical importance both for increasing the value created and for the applicability of circular economy principles. In this context, we support you in fulfilling the requirements in order to maximize the sustainability practices in the supply chain of the companies and adapting the processes in accordance with the circular structuring approach.

Scope of Service

  • Evaluation of supply chain in environmental and social dimensions
  • Identifying and managing supply chain risks
  • Supply chain capacity building strategy
  • Research and analysis of circular economy trends
  • Development and implementation of circular economy strategy
  • Evaluation and reporting of circular impact

4. Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risk Analysis

All sustainability risks, together with the risks of climate change, which is among the global risks and one of the most important ones, greatly affect all large, medium and small companies around the world. In the rapidly changing business world, it is possible to affect the Environmental, Social and Governance performance positively by the effective management of these risks. In this context, we support you in accordance with your company’s strategies in line with the effective management of the identified risks and their transformation into opportunities, together with the comprehensive and detailed analysis and reporting of Environmental, Social and Governance risks.

Scope of Service

  • Analysis of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Risks
  • Analysis of risks related to climate change
  • Reporting of analysis

5. Sustainability Strategy

Effective management of Environmental, Social and Environmental (ESG) risks and opportunities, realization of performance improvements, long-term value creation strategies and maximizing this value are only possible if sustainability is properly integrated into corporate strategies. We support you within the scope of structuring and implementing your company’s corporate strategies in line with your identified sustainability priorities.

Scope of Service

  • Development and implementation of the sustainability strategy
  • Improving environmental and social performance
  • Effective management of environmental and social risks
  • Development and implementation renewable energy strategy
  • Development and implementation of a low carbon strategy
  • Development and implementation of a zero waste strategy

6. Sustainability Financing & Responsible Investment

The importance of the management style of environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, which greatly affect the value that companies will create in the long run, and as a result of this process, the daily guides to be followed for all players in the sector are increasing day by day. Accordingly, financing access opportunities for companies operating with a focus on sustainability continue to grow at the same rate. In this direction, we provide guidance services to all players in the sector with our comprehensive sustainability financing service.

Scope of Service

  • Development of the Green/ Sustainable/ Social bond framework
  • Determination of responsible investment criteria
  • Consultancy for determining responsible investment criteria

7. Human Rights and Social Impact

Almost all of the Sustainable Development Goals, which have been determined and published by the United Nations and have great importance on all players in the sector, largely serve to ensure human rights. Based on this reality, it enables the protection of human rights in the business world and the prevention of violations, minimizing the related legal risks of companies, and preventing financial and reputational losses. However, it also contributes to the realization of sustainability on a global scale. In this context, we provide consultancy services in line with your strategies on the specialized services that should be provided in order to ensure the human rights of your company’s activities.

Scope of Service

  • Development of human rights policy and strategy
  • Implementation and analysis of human rights policy and strategy
  • Stakeholder interaction and analysis
  • Capacity building analysis and applications
  • Human rights risk assessment analysis and reporting
  • Social impact assessment and reporting